
Information to empower you


Doctors, physios and the media keep telling us to exercise to be healthier. While this is good advice, it can still be challenging to overcome our inner laziness. The great thing about exercise is that it is usually low cost, it is also low risk and you can do it wherever you want and whenever you want. In this blog article, we will present you 9 proven (health) benefits of exercises to help you find the motivation to move more.


Almost every runner will experience some kind of pain in their legs while or after running at some point in ife. While a lot of these complaints will fade away with some proper rest or a better warm-up, there exists a common overuse injury, that requires more attention. You may confuse these symptoms with a normal muscle ache, but if you keep ignoring these symptoms, It could develop into a more serious condition that will have you out of the running game for long. The injury we’re talking about is called “shin splints”. In this blog you will not only learn what it is, how you get it and what the treatment options are, but also how you can easily self-diagnose and treat it by following our video instructions.


When we talk about headaches almost every human on earth already experienced it once in a lifetime. The symptoms can vary from short periods of mild pain on one side of the head to vomiting, severe pain, as well as visual and sensory deficits. It can occur after reading a book, studying, falling on the head, infections or even just when moving your shoulders. Despite that being said, we still do not know all of the causes, in fact there is still a lot to discover. There are several different types and not each of them is easy to diagnose and treat. Approximately 1 billion dollars each year are spent on unnecessary brain imaging. In this Blogpost you will get insights into the most common types of headache and their treatment options.


Patellofemoral pain syndrome or in other words anterior knee pain is one of the most seen knee pathologies encountered by orthopedic and sports physiotherapists. It’s even said that around 25% of people will experience patellofemoral symptoms at some point in their life. But what is patellofemoral pain syndrome exactly? Where does it come from? How can I get rid of it? In this blog post we will try to shed more light on this very common knee pain problem.


Physiotherapists are specialized in musculoskeletal disorders meaning we identify pathology in the muscles, bones, tendons and joints integrating the nervous system as well as personal and environmental factors in the diagnostic process. But some diseases can mimic e.g. neck and shoulder pain but actually aren't. In this blog post, we will discuss signs and symptoms that you can identify yourself where we would recommend to consult with your physician. 


Who hasn’t heard this as a kid or from their friends? People have the deeply rooted misconception that standing up straight is the best posture for your body and health. A whole industry has been created around the idea that there is such a thing as the perfect posture and a myriad of products flooded the market claiming to be the solution to health problems arising from "bad" posture. From inlays, to back braces or smart clothing that would zap you if you adopt a slouched position. Standing up straight is good for a couple of things, your confidence level and your height. But there are no good studies that found any connection between what we assume as bad posture and actual health problems.


In our daily practice we come across a plethora of patients who blame their leg length discrepancy for their knee, hip or low back pain. Many of them were informed about the leg length difference by their general practitioner, specialist or physiotherapist. This can create a worrisome attitude and fear that their situation might lead to poor alignment of the pelvis and spine. Let’s go through a couple of questions together to see if you are really suffering from a leg length discrepancy that requires action:

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